Ok, some of you may be aware of this issue, some may not. This is the issue of controversy. Everything in society has to be controversial. Blogs. the news. radio. We believe that no one will listen, or hear you, unless you're controversial. The more controversial, the more outrageous, the better. "Stay tuned at ten and we'll tell you something that will make your blood boil!"

Perhaps everything shouldn't be controversial. The topic I'd like to address isn't controversial. It's as clear as day. It should be to you, but it apparently isn't to everyone yet.
I'm talking about Don Imus' and the producers of his show comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team. I won't repeat them here, you can find them easily if you wish. Mr. Imus' public apology is laudable. You can also find that online if you choose. Mr. Imus has also been suspended for 2 weeks. Also laudable. The question I ask you is, ''is this enough?"

However, if you really want to understand the issue then check out a recent press conference and listen to the women on the Rutger's basketball team and their coach first hand. These are people at the center of this - not Mr. Imus and his producer, not Rev. Sharpton, not Rev. Jackson. They are but a part of it but they are not the center of this issue. Listen to these women. This is the problem, we have not been listening; we are yelling at each other and we are falling apart in the process.

There can always be good things come from bad. Perhaps this event can actually spearhead a hopeful dialogue in this country whereby we (everyone) no longer tolerates the kind of ridiculous, hurtful critiques that Mr. Imus and so many like him preach daily on our airwaves. There is no appropriate reaction other than, ''we will no longer tolerate this!" None. It's more than turning off these folks, we have to stand up and say, ''no more, no more, no more."

I must confess as to listening only a few times to Mr. Imus. His claim, that his show is comedy, like the claims of Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Savage, and Mr. O'Reilly, that their shows are entertainment, resound false to me. They are not funny and they are not entertaining. The larger issue here is the pervasive misogyny and racism that still pervades our culture. It's not good, it must stop if we're to move forward.

Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect, but perhaps this mistake will help us in the long term. If we say no more.

'nuddin personal, jus bidness


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