was not a Meyrchippus. The Creation Musuem is set to open on Memorial Day in Lexington, Kentucky. According to their web site, the fabrication shop is busy with the final preparations, painting sculptures, finishing exhibits, and generally making stuff up. A product of the Answers in Genesis ministry, which purports to uphold the authority in the Bible from the very first verse, this musuem in nothing short of a wonder.

For example, although the earth (by their convoluted reckoning) is only 6,000-12,000 years old, Noah loaded his ark with dinosaurs, such as the Meyrhippus that are 11-17 million years old. So yes, the fabrication shop is very busy. Fabricating the truth. If they can't tell the truth about dinosaurs then how can they be trusted to tell the truth about the Bible, the origins of the universe, or other nagging questions. In short. They cannot be trusted since they don't know their ass from a Meyrhippus.

I encourage people to visit this musuem so that you can see first hand just how misinformed this ministry is about our world. And after you buy some cheesey souvenirs to give to your better-read friends back home, then please tell the staff that that you think fabricating the truth is very unChristian like and a load of horse shit.

Jesus said no to power and so should you.


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