This is scary stuff. These graphs show the percentage adoption of genetically modified crops in the U.S. during the period 1996 through 2007. Some crops, like soybeans, are now 90 percent genetically modified for resistance to herbicides (listed in graph as HT). Monsatan, the producer of the Herbicide Roundup, is also the producer of the genetically engineered seeds which are resistant to the Roundup. It's a little thing I like to call The Circle of Death. A circle designed to kill things, including our way of life, whose main purpose is to line the pockets of a few at the expense of the rest. A. bitterman was right, SOY IS MURDER.

Over half the corn and cotton grown in this country are also grown using genetically modifically seeds. Because of the push to produce ethanol, you can expect the herbicide-resistant corn numbers to also continue to climb in the coming years. Thus we produce a product, ethanol fuels, touted to be environmentally friendly when point-in-fact, their production requires massive inputs of petrochemicals, many of them with toxic by-products that will further wreck the planet. And this doesn't include the environmental consequences of having to wage wars to sustain this approach.

bird and the bush


climbing to the top