Grand Ole Party embraces contemporary art

In an unprecedented move, leading members of the Republican Party, heartily endorsed one of Kansas City’s Avenue of the Arts projects. Speaking in town this week at the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars annual convention, President Bush, Senator John McCain, and Former Senator-turned-actor-turned-acting presidential candidate, Fred Thompson all endorsed “Stay the Course.” “Stay the Course” is an oversized paper mache banana by the artist team of Deb Pettid and a. bitterman and is unserendiptiously planted into the side of the Historic Folly Theater, literally across the street from the site of the convention.

Said Bush, “The greatest weapon in the arsenal of democracy is the desire for liberty written into the human heart by our Creator. We're still in the early hours of the current ideological struggle, but we do know how the others ended -- and that knowledge helps guide our efforts today.”

Senator McCain was cautiously optimistic during the keynote speech. He asked critics of the work to be patience until September. (The public art project is scheduled to remain installed through September.)

Said Thompson, “You are the tools by which this nation fulfills its obligation. Ultimately, it’s all about freedom. AND sacrifice. Our defense of freedom is right. The causes of freedom will prevail.”

Mr. Thompson was also quoted as saying “Thank you” 47 times over the course of his 30-minute speech. Here! Here!

look! up in the sky, is that a plane?


the 2-mile high club