and they named it rock and roll.

It's shaping up to be another Presidential race between the old fogeys and the young 'uns and unless we've finally learned our history lessons, we could be in for a long war of more than just words.

McCain has began to run some internet spots that are masterful in their composition just as they are narrow in their focus. They show a young John McCain smiling and striding toward someone (the camera is placed in just a way so that it looks to be us), a Naval officer in dress uniform walks beside him as his escort. McCain stretches out his hand in greeting, and just at the moment that he reaches us, the ad copy slides across in front of the naval officer and we are left with just McCain and the tagline, John McCain, ready to serve the country. The spot catures the moment that McCain has been turned over from his N. Vietnemese captors and he's being received by the U.S. and it says to us, here I am, I'm coming home to you, to work for you, and I'm really happy to serve. It's a brillant 5-second loop of internet savvy sure to tingle the heart of millions of Americans on anti-cholesterol medication and comfort stomachs made quesy by 8 years of vigilant terror.

The Republicans, headed now by McGruff the Crime Dog, have begun their attacks on the O-man and these will surely deepen over the next few months. Obama's youthful recreational drug use will be compared to the notion that McCain was 'tied up for his country' during that time. But will any Democrats have the courage to attack McCain for his drunken youthful debachery during his naval academy days? How is this any different than recreational drug use during the early 70's? Or must we view McCain's actions as just another example of how our young men should learn how to be strong, learning faux redneck ways in a bar, in order to foster the bellicose nature of a true warrior?

launch the missles....NOW!


a magic plot