Hillary Rodham Clinton just can't get enough love. Her campaign has raised ten million dollars since the first of the month and things are still tough out there on the mean streets of America. Foremost is that her nemesis, Barack Obama, managed to raise even more money in the same period and soundly defeated (by a 2 to 1 margin) her in the Nebraska and Washingon caucuses held earlier today.

Then there's the story out of Louisiana this evening, that Bill, after hearing the exit poll numbers and learning that the long running writer's strike had been settled, spontaneously broke into a rendition of "It's Hard out Here for a Pimp" on a New Orleans street corner and began asking for donations. The numerous Obama supporters in the French Quarter celebrating the week's victories reportly threw spare change at Mr. Bill the Ex-President.

It's looking like another sleepness night for the HRC staff. The big problem is that there's little the campaign can do before Tuesday next where Obama will score more victories, after which even more heads will begin turning away from the experience we've already gone through and looking for a new experience we can believe in.

But the Clintons won't go down without a fight to the end. And don't expect them to be gracious losers because they won't be. And don't be surprised when Bill dons a sumo-wrestlers outfit and challenges all comers on Hillary's behalf in the mud pit of politics.

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