Chased by goons, AGAIN. Holy shit this is tough business and we, the dog and I, and why?... why did I insist on bringing that damn dog? He's not fast and the goons are closing in, and now there aren't many places to go, and in fact there is nowhere to hide, and there's a train coming, and shit, now I can hear them yelling, "You there! Stop now. We told you to leave yesterday so what the fuck are you doing here again today!" Our only option at this point is to run, run, run for the other side of the tracks and hope that we make it before they catch us.

So it's the shits for us unless we pull a caper and the odds are getting longer and longer for that with each closing second at they pull nearer and so I yell, "Trex!" and yank on the leash and the dog now senses the danger and begins to howl.......urrrrrrrr...urrrr......urrrrr....... except soon I discover he's not howling at the goon danger. No. He's howling at the train which is bearing down and unless we make that crossing before the train, before the goons catch us, then we're done for.

Wwwronnnnnn...wwwwrrronnnn...wwwwrrrnnnnn...the train whistle blows and they can't stop, can only warn, and then again....wwwrrrnnnn... so we ARE OUT OF OPTIONS. There is only one hope left so I tug hard again on the leash and lean ever so slightly into the wind and then WE ARE LIFTED UP INTO THE AIR and we are flying over the tracks, over the trains, over the goons, and I look down and there below I can see it.

Mr. Peabody's coal train. Actually it's Mr. Peabody's coal trains. There are trains coming and trains going and one is full and one is empty but thank goodness we are up in the air above these trains, because there's no way they could have stopped for us, and we are above the goons and the shouts and the danger and down below all I can hear is wwwrrrnnnn...wwwwrrrnnn...wwwrrrn....and surely the engineer must think there's nothing left of the boy and his dog, but he can't see us 'cause we're flying over the trains. Mr. Peabody's coal trains.

And one of Mr. Peabody's trains is going away, receding into the distance, empty and one is coming and is full, completely full of coal and all I can think of while the dog and I are flying over these trains is a day, years ago in Wyoming standing at the base of a 100 foot thick seam of coal and wondering what in the hell happens to all that coal and now I know, it goes into Mr. Peabody's trains, where guarded by goons, it, the train, Mr. Peabody himself, snakes through our town, yes the one with the ladder and the Second Act, it snakes its way through OUR TOWN and almost no one notices the coal train, except me and the dog, and we're not supposed to be here, we're not supposed to notice the train, and the goons know that which is why they are shouting and chasing and that is why we are flying and soaring away and trying to find a way out of the danger of Mr. Peabody's coal train.


bunny awakes, wrecks Easter havoc


a principle, in part, of uncertainty