Trilby Lundberg sucks big oil's derrick

Trilby Lundberg doesn't know the answer and NPR doesn't ask why. Ask yourself, why not? Remember please, it's National Public Radio and the National stands for the public interest. Why else give them our tax dollars?

Every week there's a segment on NPR asking the why's and why nots about the price of oil and gasoline and every week Trilby Lundberg trots out some lame party line about oil refinery capacity, hurricanes in the Gulf, Saudi Oil princes, or some other bullshit that doesn't have any relation to the price of beans in Malaysia. But NPR reports it as fact. What? There is only one oil market analyst in the entire world. No one ever stops, least of all a JOURNALIST, to ask, hey wait a minute, if it takes approximately 3 months for oil to reach the US market, then why the daily volatility in prices?

Well here's the simple answer. Trilby Lundberg doesn't know her ass from apple butter. The price of gas is always changing, but when was the last time you saw someone actually changing the price, and WHY? A few days ago, heading to work at sunrise, I caught someone in the act of changing prices. They were lowering the price by a penny. I asked them why.

"The boss sent me out here to do this." Exactly. They don't have a clue as to why and they don't really care. A penny today, a nickel tomorrow.

Or should I say, a billion dollars this year, two billion the next. A war today and a war tomorrow.

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