to the picnic!
Wow! We thought we'd take a few days off, recover, and then get back to biz. Seems like Ma Bell had other ideas for us. Today we got a new phone line, from the pole to the house, which seemed to fix the 2 shorts in the wire that had developed over the last 40 or so years of dangling in the trees. So our smart-alecky self is back.
Jeez. We've missed a few things. To wit.
Senator Clinton finally threw in the towel.
Big Brown ain't so big anymore.
Tiger Woods won the US Open with a bad knee AND A BROKEN LEG!
Barack Obama, friend of the people, decides to eschew the populist approach to funding elections that utilizes $3 contributions in favor of $200 ones.
I wish I could say that we've been writing furiously off-line, banking blog posts like squirrels bury acorns, but that's not the case. No, we've been doing other things, and frankly haven't really missed posting that much. We have missed the daily writing and the discipline involved.
So be forewarned. We're crawling out the hole. And we're armed. With the few words that we know.
Jeez. We've missed a few things. To wit.
Senator Clinton finally threw in the towel.
Big Brown ain't so big anymore.
Tiger Woods won the US Open with a bad knee AND A BROKEN LEG!
Barack Obama, friend of the people, decides to eschew the populist approach to funding elections that utilizes $3 contributions in favor of $200 ones.
I wish I could say that we've been writing furiously off-line, banking blog posts like squirrels bury acorns, but that's not the case. No, we've been doing other things, and frankly haven't really missed posting that much. We have missed the daily writing and the discipline involved.
So be forewarned. We're crawling out the hole. And we're armed. With the few words that we know.