warrior ant press joins the colony

Warrior Ant Press is taking an early summer hiatus. Actually, for those who may visit frequently, we've already been on one for a few days. Hey, it's summer. There's ample things to do beside hang out in front of the computer screen all day and night. We could join the colony of ants that finds its way somehow into the house every spring and have a picnic. And no amount of boric acid can deter these incessant pests. They just detour around it.

What else is newsworthy? Oh yeah. Our long shot didn't pay off. The media credentials are going elsewhere, perhaps the DNCC is a little leery of unleashing the power of warrior ants into a floor fight? Who knows. We've promised ourselves not to get all Clinton-bitter. We tried, which was the point. One thing it did do was force us to write every day, and there's much to be said for that. Now, time for a short break, recharge the batteries and find other things in life as, if not more interesting, than politics to yammer about. We'll still yammer about politics. How can you not?

time for a new stump speech


fog of white house wars