mr340 river race. update no. 1

Warrior Ant Press is trying something different. We're blogging during the race. We''re also in the race. We're sponsoring the Women's Solo Division. We're blogging. Why not?

The tool. A OLPC (one laptop per child) notebook. It's small (fits inside a gallon ziplock baggie). It's rugged, waterproof, has a long-life battery, and it has wireless capability.

Don't know how this is going to work, so bear with us. Although we'll be taking photos along the way, they take too much time to upload so we're going to rely on our bank of stock photos. Bear with us on this one as we work out the bugs of trying to bring you updates while the race is going on. They do it on Le Tour, (well not the competitors) so why not the MR340?

Also, we'll try to post 2-3 times a day, but remember, we also have to paddle, and we want to get downriver, we have no idea of how often we'll find hot spots, so if nothing pops up, then don't assume we've abandoned all hope. We will not be able to respond to any posted comments. Got to draw the line somewhere.

Check our progress after about 5 pm on the rivermiles (see below) leader board. If you're receiving personal race updates via our text messaging service you can post those times in the comments section for others to see.

Paddles up.

real-time race results

mr340 river race update no.2


trails kc!