warrior ant press and the rise of the twitterati

Warrior Ant Press, utilizing techniques, technology, and methods too sophisticated (and potentially contentious) to describe on this blog recently subscribed to it's one millionth Twitter feed. The result insures that m.o.i. will never lack for information, and will in fact, constantly suffer from information and media overload. During peak times, typically weekend nights, Twitter feeds arrive at a rate of about one a second. My wireless network, straining under the weight of this gregarious stream of thoughts, has threatened me with sanctions.

A random sampling of recent tweets:

I'm just mad about new jeans and Swine Flu. Dang.
less than 10 seconds ago from PandaBone

Desert Party is the biggest Middle Eastern threat to this country since bin Laden.
1:40 pm May 2nd from Kaintuck Julep

2009 HJ36, ~7m-16m in diameter, just passed the Earth at 6km/s, missing by ~three million, six hundred and eighty thousand km.
1:25 PM Apr 28th from lowflyingrocks

2009 CQ1, ~210m-470m in diameter, just passed the Earth at 8km/s, missing by ~twenty million, two hundred thousand km.
5:31 PM Apr 20th from lowflyingrocks

Quick mini-audit of my backpack confirms it; I have no idea what four of the straps do.
10:09 AM Apr 27th from hotdogsladies

hello mister deadline person don't mind me i'm just going to punch you in the heart until you shit yourself and die
about 5 hours ago from warrenellis

Swine flu reaches Australia: Australians unsure how to deal with something they can't fuck, drink, deport or barbecue
7:09 AM Apr 28th from warrenellis

Just landed in St Louis. Nice ride to say the least. This is a working office.
7:29 AM Apr 29th from clairemc

Off to Andrews to join the President on AF1 for flight to Missouri. Very excited. Will be back in time for the vote on budget later today.
2:58 AM Apr 29th from clairemc

Basecamp is running smoothly again. Sorry for those errors!
8:17 AM Apr 28th from 37signals

Thanks for your patience - Campfire is now back up and running smoothly.
9:56 AM Apr 27th from 37signals

lego of the war on terror


who's the stupid vice-president now?