world's largest lesbian craft fesitval
This weekend, the 23rd edition of the World's Largest Lesbian Craft Festival, shows their holly holly holly at the Westport Roanoke Community Center, just downstream from the Worldwide Anthill Headquarters of Warrior Ant Press.
These felted, or more properly fulled, xmas trees, wasn't made by a lesbian, although they could have been. They are environmentally friendly enough for eco-pagans (aren't all pagans by definition eco?) because unlike the mayor's xmas tree, no old-growth douglas fir trees were felled in their making, although a number of green sheep were shorn.
Other environmentally friendly things you can do this season:
*vote a Republican from office
*take our carbon neutral xmas lights tour instead of stringing your own
*buy lesbian instead of chinese
m.o.i.: felted xmas trees. Found objects, some felted, some knot. 2007. Dimensions vary. ~12 x ~5 x ~5