Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

writer's strike fallout

The writer's strike has finally started to effect me. Last night I had a dream about, of all people, Johnny Carson. We were sitting at a lunch counter, having a burger, trading industry jabs, when the subject finally came around to money; who has it, who doesn't. I said to Johnny, "so with all your millions, people must constantly be harassing you about money." Johnny looked down, smiled, shook his head no, never. And I thought, should my company ever go public and we make a killing on the IPO, then my friends and family wouldn't ask me for money either, they'd DEMAND it. Lot's of it.

We attempted to determine the exact cause, meaning, and purpose of every single scene that played out in this dream but doing so led us down some very convoluted reasoning that had us trying to include Rev. Martin Luther King, father, Bush's tax rebates, my friend's inability to sleep, and a random side conversion at an art opening together into one coherent sentence. That being too much work, and rife with large error bars, we opted instead for the psychic services of ChiChi the Whispering Chihuahua.

ChiChi's response. It's simple. Don't drink coffee immediately before bed.

see also:
m.o.i.: chichi the whispering chihuahua
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Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

favorite psychics

Today Warrior Ant Press is pleased to announce a new feature. We will be profiling some of our favorite psychics over the coming months. Up first is ChiChi the Whispering Chihuahua. ChiChi will interpret your dreams and whisper them back to you. Sounds amazing, and IT IS!

Here's how ChiChi the Whispering Chihuahua works. Dogs have very sensitive hearing, it's much, much better than a humans. In fact the human ear can only hear about 1/10th of what a dog can hear. And Chihuahuas have the most sensitive hearing of all the dog breeds. Even by dog standards, ChiChi has very enhanced hearing, in fact, ChiChi's hearing is so sensitive that he can hear your innermost secrets. Chihuahuas also live for a long time (average life span of 112 years in human years) which enables them to be very wise.

ChiChi works in one of 2 ways and prices for ChiChi's service vary accordingly. In the first method, less reliable, ChiChi sleeps on one your pillows and listens to the chi of the pillow and then responds accordingly. In the second, more expensive method, ChiChi sleeps with you, either on your head, or in more extreme cases, has been known to burrow deep into the covers in search of your innermost secrets. ChiChi then interprets your dreams and reveals the answers to you. It's that simple!

Future psychics to be profiled by Warrior Ant Press include:
- Bob the Wandering Homeless Wonder.
- Shira of your Dreams.
- Jeeves.
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