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ACORN squashed soup

Yes we can. More from the November is Squashed Month Series whereby we celebrate autumn, and the decline and fall of the Republican Party.

ACORN Squashed Soup

1 medium acorn squash.
1 medium sweet onion.
1 clove garlic.
2 sprigs fresh rosemary.
1 medium red pepper, roasted and skinned.
2-3 cups vegetable (can substitute chicken) stock.
1 cup heavy cream or half-and-half.
salt, pepper, hot sauce, and rosemary to taste.
Suggested garnishes. Roasted red pepper silvers, pumpkin seeds, and crumbled chevre.

Cooking time. ~1 hour total. Feeds 6-8 liberals.

Split the squash lengthwise and remove the seeds. Peel the onion, split in half, and place each onion half in the hollow section of the squash. Place squash, skin side up in a shallow baking dish. Pierce the skin repeatedly with a sharp knife, cover the bottom of the dish with a small amount of water (for steaming), add several sprigs of rosemary, and the garlic clove (unpeeled) to the pan. Cover and bake for ~1 hour until the squash is very tender. When the squash is tender you should be able to smell the galic and rosemary. Set aside to cool a bit before proceeding the next step.

Use the hour while the squash is baking to engage in progressive act ivies that will insure that the likes of war criminals like Dick "the Dick" Cheney never hold public office again. ACORN Squashed Soup is a value meal. Therefore, why not use the money that you might have spent eating out and instead, make a contribution to ACORN or moveon.org.

To finish the soup takes about 30 minutes. Scoop the squash into a large (8-qt) sauce pan. Add the cooked onion, and the red pepper, and squeeze the roasted garlic into the pan. Add 3 cups stock, 1 cup cream (or half-and-half), and cook until the flavors meld. About 15 minutes. You can turn up the heat and reduce the liquid for a thicker soup if so inclined.

Once the flavors have melded, remove from the heat and puree in a blender, vitamix, or food processor. Caution! This soup gets really hot and is thick enough to scald you severely if you let it fly out of the processor. Use a towel to cover your hands. Once blended, adjust the flavors; this a good point to add Tabasco or other hot sauce for zip.

Serve with hearty artisan bread or whole wheat crackers. Crumble some chevre (or feta or creme fraiche) on the top and you've got something that'll give you the energy to kick a conservatives ass.
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Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

signs, signs, nowhere are there signs

The political detritus from an election has never disappeared from the landscape faster. I'd heard rumors of Obama signs being lifted before the election; someone told me it was their second sign to be stolen from the front of their yard in a week - but I don't think the problem was widespread or endorsed by McGruff. At the time, I surmised that it could just as easily have been folks who were trying to grab history-in-a-sign.

Yes, there were the few McCain supporters who engaged in yelling socialiste! and there was the large Obama sign with the hammer and sickle painted on it that graced the grand boulevard throughout October. However, it was just hard to imagine that desperate Republicans, regardless of the pending landslide, would drive en masse around in the middle of the night plucking yard signs as though they were opponent's eyes. The zealotry of pranking teenagers, yes, or college students who wanted signs for their dorm rooms, makes more sense for the trickle loss of O signs.

In contrast, after the primaries, the Ron Paul signs were left in street medians and on busy corners for weeks. WEEKS. Maybe Paul's meager 2 percent draw sucked all the energy from his campaign and no one had the wherewithal to pull his trash.

But come November 5th, the ubiqitous Obama and McCain (even the light rail signs) were gone from the landscape. I suspect the Obama supporters wanted to hang on to a piece of history and that the McCain and Light Rail proponents were just embarrassed by the significant pasting they'd just received at the polls. Wednesday, did feel a bit like New Year's Day, as though the country was ready to move forward FROM THIS DAY ON. Let's hope we are.
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profit-taking fridays

Wow! Things are getting weird. I just sold the URL of the Nov. 5th NY Times Online Edition to a former McCain supporter for $25 and some change.
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Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

plumber's crack derailed mccain's campaign

As gracious as John McCain was in his concession speech, you may have noted that he left the analysis of what went wrong to the pundits. Herewith we take up the challenge of the Big Dog with the Bad Attitude. The weakness, it turns out, was something Warrior Ant Press likes to call, Plumber's crack. There was a huge plumber's crack running right through the middle of the campaign and it caused too many people, even his handlers, to turn away and not see the problem with their approach.

Back in 2000 the US Census Bureau asked folks to self-identify their ancestry. These results are shown on a county-by-county basis for the entire USA in the above map. Clicking on the map will allow you to explore it in greater detail. Here's the important story in the map. The light tan counties on the map are where the majority of a county identifies itself as being of American ancestry (whatever that is). This swatch, this plumber's crack runs from Texas through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Southern Missouri, and on into Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. These areas were heavily Republican in the 2008 election; even more so than in the 2004 election.

However troubling the crack may be for some, the good news is that it continues to shrink. The problem with the Republicans was that they didn't see it as a crack in the first place. Or else they had their head in it and couldn't see out. More and more folks are referring to themselves as being of a different ancestory than American. I suspect an American ancestry means your family has been in the country long enough to forget, or not focus too heavily, on your ancestral heritage, but my guess if you ask these folks who they think they are what they'll mostly say is that they're white. The rest of the country identifies with an ancestory other than that of the nebulous American and sees itself outside of this issue of who is white and who is black, brown, or any other color. The Obama camp understood this simple demographic aspect and worked to unify the rest of the country.

If you look at a map of party voting shifts from 2004 to 2008, the only places that became more Republican in 2008 are the same places where the self-labeled Americans reside. This gets to several things. It speaks to the McCain/Palin idea of labeling their ardent supporters as being the real America. This same broad swatch has frequently been called the bible belt, still evident today but shrinking in influence for the country as a whole save the Republican Party base. Geographically, these areas represent but a small part of the country as a whole. A big problem with the McCain/Palin campaign was that they let themselves be high-jacked by a very small percentage of America - the conservative Christian base of the Republican party, les Americanos. It's not that big a place anymore. And it's not going to get bigger. Not in it's current iteration. In order for the Republicans to survive, they'll have to rethink what they're doing. Lose the Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage blow-hard approach to yelling at people and find something else to focus on.

I suggest the GOP begin to focus on domestic issues that matter to a much larger audience than just the top 1 percent who contribute so much to the RNC coffers. Instead they should be focusing on living wages, affordable housing and health-care, and helping small businesses grow. This is what Country First could mean and until it does, the Republicans will be playing on the sidelines and watching the Democrats try and make the world a better place. Let's hope they can make it happen.
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5th round knockout

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Republican bullies, those annoying blow-hards with their lies and dumb-ass rhetoric are about the get a long-deserved ass-whupping at the polls on the Tuesday. It's not going to be close. It'll be rout as millions of Americans stand up and finally shout back to Dick "the Dick" Cheney's his own words, "no, sir, fuck you."

Tuesday will be one of those cathartic moments, like when the humans finally take back Planet Earth from the zombies and the whole audience gasps a sigh of relief and spontaneous applause breaks out in the theater. On Tuesday night folks will be kissing strangers and whopping and hollering in the streets just as the red-necks slink back into the dim lights of their water-downed beer and limited world view and wonder how they could have been so stupid as to believe in Bush and that skipping school was a solid plan for a future of getting-ahead and providing for your family.

What's weird is just how long we will have waited for this moment. Seems like 40 years since we've been allowed to dream. There were brief moments of promise such as when Clinton got elected but then he had to get all white trash on us and blow a whole bunch of good vibes with a cheap intern beneath the Resolute Desk.

This time though, when the neo-cons start whining, the blue-staters will be able to proudly say, "you fat-bastard ass-wipes had it coming. While you were sitting on your duff, driving your overloaded SUV to the mall, complaining about the Hispanic help at the McDonald's drive-through, we were out working our asses off for a new and better nation. And now guess what Repugs? It's not socialism we expect from you. But hard work. Time to get busy with the rebuilding. So get busy or leave!"
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plumber overturns straight-talk express

The so-called Straight Talk Express, driving like mad to get McGruff the Crime Dog to his designated appointment with a large block of ice, skidded on a highway today and overturned. Interestingly, the bus had just stopped to pick up Joe-da-Plumber to serve as an economic advisor to the campaign. According to a McCain campaign spokesperson, Joe's (neither a plumber nor a business owner he) ideas were so far from the center that they caused the campaign to further lose its balance and slide deeper into a tailspin.
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mccain to freeze solid over the weekend

In an effort to prove that even though he doesn't have the intellectual curiosity to be President, but still has the mettle, McGruff the Crime Dog will freeze himself in a block of ice over the weekend. The cube is expected to melt in time for McCain to at least vote for himself on Tuesday even as independents continue to abandon his campaign. His VP-candidate, Sarah America, has agreed to campaign in McCain's stead and to occasionally stop, check the geezer's pulse, and feed him fresh-killed meat. Campaign insider's suggest that this event will only partial fulfill one of the Senator's fantasies - the one that includes an igloo, a bear-skin rug, and a sharply-dressed young woman.
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zealots for zealots

You'll be happy to note that although we have yet to endorse John McCain for President of the United States others have stepped in to offer support. Joining the likes of rabble-rousers Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Bill O'Reilly, members of Al Queda last week offered their ringing endorsement of McGruff the Crime Dog for President.

Why? Al Queda knows that the world-wide instability generated by having the largest military in the world governed by zealots whose ideology is peppered with the irrational thought processes allows the terrorists an opportunity to continue to foment their own brand of ideology peppered with irrational thought processes on the rest of the world.
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Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

john mccain is a commie-pinko-fag

and a t errorist.

Here's some FAST TALK on voter fraud.

And a list of clothes purchased for Sarah Palin (reported in the NYTimes Caucus Blog, Oct. 22, 2008). If you can't play the part, then the least you can do is to try and LOOK the part. Sarach America - she's natty AND nutty.

• $75,062.63 spent at Neiman Marcus on Sept. 10.

• $41,850.72 to Saks Fifth Avenue in New York on Sept. 10.

• $7,575.02 to Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis on Sept. 10.

• $5,102.71 to Bloomingdale’s in New York on Sept. 10.

• $789.72 to Barney’s New York on Sept. 10.

• Charges of $4,396.94 and $512.92 at Macy’s in Minneapolis on Sept. 10.

• $4,537.85 to Macy’s in Minneapolis on Sept. 22.

• $349.50 to Lord & Taylor in New York on Sept. 25.

• $4,902.08 to Atelier New York, a men’s clothing boutique, on Sept. 10.

• Two separate charges of $98 to Pacifier, a high-end baby store in Minneapolis, on Sept. 10 and Sept. 25.

• $98.50 to Steinlauf & Stoller, a sewing supply store, in New York on Sept. 25.

• $133 to the Gap in Minneapolis on Sept. 25.

• $75,062.63 spent at Neiman Marcus on Sept. 10.

• $41,850.72 to Saks Fifth Avenue in New York on Sept. 10.

• $7,575.02 to Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis on Sept. 10.

• $5,102.71 to Bloomingdale’s in New York on Sept. 10.

• $789.72 to Barney’s New York on Sept. 10.

• Charges of $4,396.94 and $512.92 at Macy’s in Minneapolis on Sept. 10.

• $4,537.85 to Macy’s in Minneapolis on Sept. 22.

• $349.50 to Lord & Taylor in New York on Sept. 25.

• $4,902.08 to Atelier New York, a men’s clothing boutique, on Sept. 10.

• Two separate charges of $98 to Pacifier, a high-end baby store in Minneapolis, on Sept. 10 and Sept. 25.

• $98.50 to Steinlauf & Stoller, a sewing supply store, in New York on Sept. 25.

• $133 to the Gap in Minneapolis on Sept. 25.

Errorist poster by rdebris.
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mayday mayday

You can bet that by Friday, once he's certain that Black Obama is safely out of the lower 48 and at his dying grandmother's bedside, John McCain will be resorting to anything, anything, to make some headlines. With less than 2 weeks left in the campaign, McGruff's ship is listing heavily starboard and in danger of breaking up completely.

If something big doesn't happen by Friday evening, McGruff will start choking chickens, plucking and eviscerating them with his bare hands, and dropping them whole in a deep fat fryer somewhere in the outskirts Philadelphia to convince unemployed day laborers that he (McCain) has the right stuff. Given his campaign agility, Senator McCain will likely call such an event, "out of the deep fat and into the fryer". Governor Palin's role? Smile and say, "Hush puppy! Hush!"
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fools gold

I'm half expecting that McGruff the Crime Dog will just go ahead and concede the election this week. During the weekend, Obama dominated the news cycles with an announcement by Republican heavyweight Colin Powell that he's endorsing a Democrat for President and chastising, on national television, the Republican base for being out-of-touch with core American Values. On top of that we had news that the Obama fund-raising juggernaut set another monthly record (3 times the old record) and attracted nearly 650,000 new members. In the month of September alone! Then Obama held rallies in St. Louis in KC that purportedly saw a combined attendance of 175,000 people.

What did the McCain campaign offer to counter this tidal wave of national enthusiasm? McCain held rallies on both sides of the state on Monday and drew less than 1/10 of the crowds that Obama drew. McCain, searching for a new low in a campaign of marked by lows, charged that a terrorist will soon drive the country into socialism.

The McCain camp also offered VP candidate Sarah Palin up to SNL where she mostly stood aside and watched Tina Fey, Alex Baldwin, and Amy Pollar repeatedly skewer Palin's lack of intellectual curiostity. It's one thing to be a court jester and quite another to be the campaign fool.
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Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

looking presidential

Pundits are saying that with 16 days left before the election that this thing is over. There's no way that McCain can win. Not after Palin, the financial collapse, and McCain's inability to coalesce the party. Remember when he returned to Washington to help solve the financial crisis? And it fell apart. Then Congress passed a huge bailout and that didn't work and now we've started to nationalize the banking industry. Nationalizing the banking industry could be a good thing, but this form of nationalization comes without the oversight of the investors - you the taxpayer.

Obama, who has shown all along that he knows how to organize a campaign, has been drawing enormous crowds. It's as though the closer we get to the election, more and more folks are starting to let themselves believe that this might actually happen. I say believe in miracles - but not so fast. Remember you still have to vote, and so do lots and lots of young people, because without them, this election can still turn ugly.

The Obama campaign keeps making smart decisions. Today they held 2 rallies on opposite ends of the state. The first was beneath the iconic Gateway Arch and the second in the shadow of the only World War I Memorial in the country. Both are National Monuments and the symbolism of holding them at these venues with the intent of gathering huge crowds should not be overlooked. By holding rallies in St.Louis and KC, the campaign gets face time in the two largest media markets in the state. They do this while looking very Presidential. Plus the size of the crowd in St. Louis (100,000 people) was so large that it will garner national media play.

I was at the rally in KC and don't know the size of the crowd but it was easily 20-25,000 {note: NPR later reported this number to be 75,000). From my vantage point the only thing I could see was the CHANGE banner and some dude in a white shirt addressing the crowd. A friend remarked that, unlike a McCain rally, no one boos at an Obama rally. They just cheer. Loudly and with great abandon.
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pal joey

We've been taking a break to re-examine some cultural phenomena - purportedly our purpose but too frequently of late tied to the never-ending war. Not the one in Iraq but the one on TV. Remember when war was televised and politics was a visceral experience?

We took a pass on the last 2 debates, which more resemble Bud Bowl II, than a measured dialogue on the future of our country. Joe the Plumber showed up in our stead. Joe, who watches his carbs and visits the local gym 3 times a week, drinks Bud Lite - for the taste. He's about as Republican as it gets which isn't very these days, believing in deregulation (practicing plumbing without the proper license) and reducing taxes (even if that means cheating).

Even if Joe the wanna-be-plumber isn't properly registered to vote, YouTube is where the tastemakers reside these days. Now he has more drinking buddies than booze; thank goodness there's a couch still on the porch for the overflow. Like previous White House plumbers, safety lies at the shadow's edge and Joe seems to have lost some of his in the klieg lights.
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pulpit freedom sunday

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan – to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations. -- Abraham Lincoln, 2nd inaugural address.
I know we might be risking our coveted IRS status by doing this but what the hell, the country's in dire straights and what's a little prison time for civil disobedience? Service first, isn't that the slogan? We've never done this, endorse a political candidate, so bear with us, we're going to preach first, endorse later. It's a change, I hope, you can believe.

Frequent readers of this post should be able to guess our pick, but since when have we ever done things the easy way? Remember, it's a meta-sermon so we don't have to let you out in time for the 12 o'clock kickoff. You're free to leave before then, stop by Starbucks and Expresso yourself if you want, change into something more comfortable, settle in on the couch before you burn-in-hell for the rest of eternity! We don't care; our rapture may be your misery.

What do people want in a President? That's a bit like asking what do people want in a mate? The answers are all over the place. But there are some consistenciesa among us. People want the President to be, well, American. The Constitution requires it, but beyond that, what the hell does being American really mean? We seem to have a hard time agreeing on the definition. Is it being the Face of America. And if so, must that face look like the face of us, the voter? some mythical construct of the President?

The President should also be smart. Really smart is good. Really, really smart is probably better. But more than that, we want the President to make good decisions, decisions in the best interest of the nation as well as the rest of the world. One decision we don't want them to make is to push the big red button. If it comes to that, then the President will have failed in being the leader of the free world.

We don't really expect the President to solve our problems, not our day-to-day ones. We do expect leadership on the larger problems facing the nation. In general, the best we can hope for, and have come to expect, is a President that is open and honest with the scale of the problem and the sacrifices needed to solve them. Think about the great speeches of your favorite leader, American or not. Many of them just lay out the problem in stark terms, "today is our hour of need", "we have nothing to fear but fear itself", "our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world...as in being able to remake ourselves".

Presidents unable to article a better vision for the future and a clear path to get there are viewed as failures. Suffer fools gladly, but throw the bums out.

A common Latino prayer, "Just give me a chance to succeed.", pretty much sums up what we expect in a President, in our nation. Too often this success has come at the expense of others, not just within our nation, but others in the world. The unfettered growth of capitalism hasn't always resulted in free, democratic, and just societies. And, as the last few months have demonstrated, double-digit returns on investments aren't guaranteed forever; neither perhaps is a retirement filled with tennis, golf, and beaches on Isla Cozamel.

Vote your conscience but in doing so extend it beyond the bounds of your property, your family, and your idea of what America was, is, and can be. The last century could rightly be called The American Century. We are but a few years into the following century and it isn't looking too good for a repeat but we've got a long way yet to go. Your decision can help make the difference and

the odds are about fifty/fifty you'll find the right button.

ny times pulpit freedom sunday
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spooky spectacular

The Bush Administration, which typically addresses the American people only when they want to scare us, trotted out the dude with the Harvard MBA to explain how Wall Street and Main Street can be friends forever. It was so compelling that John McCain had to stop campaigning so he too, could try to parse the intricacies of our complex, yet fragile economy, from El Presidento himself.

And just when you thought the '08 presidential campaign couldn't get any nuttier. If another hurricane happens to rear it's ugly head in the next few weeks, we might be reduced to 1 debate and lots of fallacious ads. Sounds like a Republican plan to me. Why debate the issues when you can just get throw sound bites to the news media and the masses.

Here's how it works. Make a very negative ad. Show it in a very small market. Make sure all the 24/7 media outlets know about it, and then start generating controversy even if you have to call the opposition. In fact, it's better if the opposition gets riled up. The controversy then begets more news coverage, much of it with links to the offending ad, or clips from on the morning and evening shows. You can expect to hear "Not God Bless America; God Damn America" many times in the next 5 weeks.

If there's an up side to the whole end-of-world-as-you-know it for the Republicans it might be this. The Republican VP candidate has all but disappeared from the news. This can only be good for the Republicans since her presence can only hurt the program.

Another upside would be that if we can save the economy then Bush/McGruff's retirement plans would remain viable. 700 billion dollars almost seems like a fair trade to get rid of these knuckleheads for good. Main Street may not be on board with a Wall Street buyout quite yet, but Main Street agrees on one thing; it's time for them to go.
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liver failure

If everyone read the NYTimes, the Republicans wouldn't stand a chance come November. Should they read it, they might discover that half of the most emailed articles today were about the failings of Sarah Palin, John McCain, or both. The most damning of these was some pretty in-depth reporting on the how just exactly how Sarah Palin likes to conduct politics - that would be in secret and with a great deal of vengeance (see #9 below soon to be the most-emailed article!). No wonder Karl Rove's in love with her.

But they don't. No instead, many Americans are like the elderly over-weight group of white men and their families I sat across from in the Taco Bell in the hood yesterday while gathering a brief respite from Tropical Storm downpours that have pelted the Midwest for 3 days. Bubba, Bubba Jr., and Bubba brother-in-law were throwing around mocking phrases about "Barack Hussein" imitating Jesus and how, if elected, Barack, would surely have his Nigerian brother-in-law installed as Secretary of the Environment and gas prices would rise to $5 dollars a gallon. Forget the fact that that gas will reach $4.25 by the middle of next week, and that mocking Jesus, is well, kinda un-Christian for a bunch of conservative Christians. None of that matters when Sarah America will be on SNL field-dressing a caribou/moose/polar bear before the month's out.

Every day that the news is filled with hurricanes and soccer-moms is one less day that Americans have a chance to learn about the issues that face us in the very near future. All those windows blown from the Morgan Stanley building onto the sidewalks of Houston by Hurrican Ike might seem prescient in a 3 months when the economy is still woeful. All those opportunities to talk issues replaced by scary-ads about sex and kindergardeners mean we're losing the battle to educate our population. Every time the presidential election goes in the mud and comes up spitting bile the Republican win and the people lose.

Most emailed articles from the NYTimes for Saturday, Sept. 13th.

1. Bob Herbert: She’s Not Ready
2. Editorial: Gov. Palin’s Worldview
3. Paul Krugman: Blizzard of Lies
4. McCain Barbs Stirring Outcry as Distortions
5. The Key to Wedded Bliss? Money Matters
6. In Tangle of Young Lips, a Sex Rebellion in Chile
7. 36 Hours in San Francisco
8. Gail Collins: The Year of the Cloned Candidates
9. In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics

10. The Bipolar Puzzle
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playing politics is fun!

Awesome! I can't wait to display mine in a special diorama created expressly for the 2008 election. She'll be riding a gray wolf while shooting a polar bear with a harpoon. Trailing behind her in a snowmobile, will be a peckish, gray-haired, liver-spotted old man, who looks a little like a pig wearing lipstick.
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Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

who is sarah america palin?

Forget the softball questions from the likes of Charles Gibson. Want to find out who Sarah America really is? Then visit the dailysource.org web site. More information than you want and some you might just need.

Here's the video of Palin, as Governor, addressing a graduating class of divinity students at the Wasilla Assembly of Godin (her church at the time). It's the video where Palin has been fingered by some as saying some pretty inflammatory things such as, "God's will being done in Iraq", etc.

But if you watch the video, and check your outrage for a minute, you'll see she's just testifying they way they do in church, especially in an Assembly of God church. And she's talking to folks who will are getting ready to go preach to other folks so why expect her to suggest that the world is anything but God's will? Isn't she just underscoring the message taught to them in their school of divinity? Although I understand why she would say this to this crowd, my only real problem with the statement is that it sounds an awful lot like statements from others that go something like, "it's the will of Allah."

Yeah. Whatever. Seems like people do most of the damage in the world. Seems best to leave God/Allah out of it and work on yourself.

You might find her references to God offensive but they're really no different than the sermons of Rev. Wright whereby he condemns the shameful acts of America. You can argue all you want to about whether or not religion has a place in the White House or even in politics and I would very likely agree with you, but if you think Barack is going to leave Jesus behind and Joe Biden the Virgin Mary should they make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. then I think you're sadly mistaken.
daily source: sarah palin
On a slightly related note. When I heard Barack Obama's retelling of a very old country porcine saw my first thought was, "he must be talking about McCain!"
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holy down syndrome baby mccain, she's a liar!

Update no.2. OK. This story just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Here's the latest tidbit.
ST. PAUL, Sept 1 (Reuters) - The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.

Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

Labor Day Editor's note: We're having a hard time believing this story has any merit. It's been on the street for a couple of days and sure, it's a holiday weekend and there's the hurricane to cover, but it's also the start of the RNC in the Twin Cities. It's not that far to Alaska, and if this story had any veracity, then all the big media hogs would be all over it by now. They are not. It's would seem to be a pretty easy story to check out. We wonder why it hasn't and are left to believe that it's likely the work of some prankster from the left or right, a bit hard to say.

Dailykos is reporting that the 5th child of Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin (you know, the one with Down syndrome) may not be her own! Instead, it's her 16-year old unwed, still-in-catholic school daughter's baby. The argument is pretty compelling and there's plenty of photo evidence to boot. Or is it hoot?

Perhaps there's more to the Republicans cancelling of Monday's RNC events than we know. If the allegations are true, I don't see how she can survive as the VP nominee through Wednesday, when she would be slated to accept the nomination.

Can anyone say Mitt "National Lampoon Vacation" Romney? Or worse yet, Joe "Smuck" Lieberman?

Images: Top, Bristol Palin (far right), March, 2007, purported to be in her first trimester. (others are reporting this photo was taken in 2006)
Bottom: Alsaka Governor Sarah Palin (right) in a photo taken during what would have been her 3rd trimester.

daily kos: babygate aug.30

daily kos: babygate aug.31
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