what does your 9/11 look like?
Regardless of what the Republicans might have you believe, it's pretty hard to forget 9/11. Same with the Oklahoma City bombings. Remembering means many things to many people. Give them that but sometimes it's best to be careful what you wish for, or it just might come true.
Video of Trinket, an installation by William Pope L. at Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, MO
Video of Trinket, an installation by William Pope L. at Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, MO
kcai brush creek community rain garden
The KCAI Brush Creek Community Rain garden was formally unveiled yesterday with a ceremony in Theis Park. The work of artist Julia Coles, students in the Kansas City Art Institute's (KCAI) Persuasive Ecology Design Class, the KCAI Community Service Arts Service Learning program, Brush Creek Community Partners, Discovery Center, and a host of other agencies and interested citizens, the rain garden was over a year in the making. If that seems like a long time to build a rain garden, it shouldn't seem like a long time to build a community. Building a community takes work - lots of it - and this project is an example of how artists bring a new and different kind of energy and vision to projects. One that reaches into communities with far-reaching and lasting implications.
Photos, Top to bottom, from upper left.
*Detail of Brush Creek Community Rain Garden.
*Artist Julia Coles, Former Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes, Kansas City Councilwoman Jan Marcussson, and John Fierro, President of the Parks Board.
*Informational stone.
*Traditional concrete catch basin being installed at 18th and Tracy.
kcai raingarden
discovery center
10,000 raingardens