Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

charlie don't surf

Spring. It's been almost 3 weeks since then vernal equinox. The weather of late has been more reminiscent of winter and if it weren't for the daily box scores we might never know it's truly spring. But it's back, or appears to be, for the coming week so get out and enjoy it. Taxes done, finally, hey the deadline isn't until till tomorrow, so I'm a day early. Thanks for the residential energy and federal telephone excise credits is all I have to say.

Did you know that federal telephone excise tax was first enacted to pay for the Spanish-American War? Don't remember that one? 1898. Back when phones were considered a luxury and the US had no income tax, this tax was devised as a method to pay for the war. Been used to pay for wars ever since. Johnson raised it to 10 percent during the Vietnam War. Surprisingly enough the last batch of Republicans in power (surely the most war-mongering bunch to ever hold elective office) introduced legislation to remove it but it never passed. Instead a series of lawsuits eventually caused Sam to cry "Uncle" and it's no more.

The Telephone Excise Tax Refund is a one-time tax credit that you can claim on your 2006 tax return. It represents a refund of excise taxes paid on long-distance telephone service. You can claim a standard refund of the telephone excise tax. The standard amounts are based on the number of personal exemptions you claim on your tax return.
1 exemption: $30
2 exemptions: $40
3 exemptions: $50
4 exemptions or more: $60
You can also use the simplified method to calculate the actual tax paid. This value may be higher. However, only the IRS would consider a 4-step process that includes the use of your April and September 2006 phone bills (you still have those around right!?!) a simplified method.

Do you realize that we are currently spending about 51% of the federal taxes that you pay on the military. Aren't you proud to be an American when you hear this? Making the world safe and all while we destroy it? Hey, if we can't make free-market capitalists out of 'em, why not kill em all?

Ok, full-disclosure. The 51% figure is in dispute. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) claims it's only 21%. Other groups claim much higher percentages depending upon how the figures are calculated and what's included. However, the 21% OMB number is likely to be Enron-like accounting designed to make you feel good about spending your taxes on a whole bunch of shit that isn't improving the lot of anyone on this planet - unless you're an arms dealer or an asshole. Besides, take OMB's numbers and it's still a whole lot of death, destruction, and misery. So America. Pay your taxes and open a can of whup-ass.
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