Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

month of summer

It's finally gotten hot. As in heat warning hot. Essentially, by around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, it's so freakin' hot outside you feel like you're walking into an oven. People routinely say to one another when it gets like this, "hot enough for you?" as if it's possible not to notice the combination of humidity and heat. A good reply, if you're not feeling especially conversational, (the heat tends to make me introspective is), "naw, not really, I'm planning on going to hell,so this is fine preparation. I'm headed to the kitchen right now to dry peppers, can tomatoes, and bake an eggplant casserole. Then there's the wood that needs choppin'. the fencepost holes that need to be dug, and the poison ivy pulled. My afternoon's spoken for. How about you?"

So give it up. It's like complaining about the rain. Without the rain and the heat you wouldn't have watermelons. Or cantaloupes. And these, along with ice cream, make August just another month of summer.
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