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blood suckers

Q: What do Mike Huckabee and Wesley Snipes have in common?

A: They both want to abolish the IRS.

The only thing more convoluted than the Bush Adminstration's logic as to why we invaded Iraq is surely the jury's reasoning in the recent verdicts of:

United States of America


Wesley Trent Snipes
Eddie Ray Kahn
Douglas P. Rosie

The verdicts serve to underscore the notion that celebrities should be held to a different level of law than everyone else. Mr. Snipes was acquited of the felony conspiracy and fraud charges against him, but found guilty of 3 of the 6 misdemeanor counts of failure to file a tax return and pay his taxes.

Maybe the jurors had something against 'normal' folks who run tax scams in the name of God, because Mr. Kahn, he of the Guiding Light of God Ministries, and Mr. Rosie, a mere mortal of accountant, were found guilty of the felonies.

Unfortunately for Mr. Snipes, who was all smiles upon leaving the courtroom after hearing of the not guilty verdict on the felony charges, the misdemeanor convictions carry a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison. Snipes may have side-stepped the hook and claw of the jury, but the judge will likely slice through all the bullshit and send Mr. Snipes to prison. Should be plenty of vampires to feed off there.
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