Today is May Day. Don't be fooled into thinking this a holiday celebrating those with socialist, if not entirely communist, tendencies although it might be and don't be fooled into thinking this is some kind of remnant pagan ritual to celebrate summer, although it might be that as well. No, this is a holiday about YOU. YOU who toil daily at your job, your life, your attempts to raise a family, your attempts to pay the taxman. Celebrate the passage of Tax Freedom Day, which was yesterday this year. This one's for you and those who came before and stand with you to make the world a better place. So cheer up, do a dance, and have some fun. This world in your world. Make it a better place.

Today we celebrate, among others, the SpaceHijackers, a zany, fun group of anarchitects from London. SpaceHijackers work to transform public spaces, many of which have been co-opted by corporate, back into the realm of the public. Space Hijackers perform actions such as installing public benches in public spaces, holding midnight cricket test matches, and wearing t-shirts emblazed with EVERYTHING IN STORE HALF-PRICED TODAY to mall shops on Buy Nothing Day.

"Is everything instore really half price"

"That's what it says on the t-shirt madam!"


"That's what it says"

All in good fun my friends. All in good fun.


painting the town orange


moi would like to ring that duck's neck