Kansas City has a new mayor today - the tallest in the land (7' 1") and perhaps the most transparent, Mark Funkhouser. He's promised to listen to the regular folks, not look down upon them, and open up government and I believe he's earnest. There is so much to do in the city in the next few years and trying to find the money and consensus to do it all, well let's hope those auditor skills, love for Abraham Lincoln, and risk-taking take root among all the people. Mark does believe, and repeatedly reminds everyone that the people own the government and THEY have to decide how to make their city a better place. The mayor can only facilitate the process. If you're a total kc politico-geek you can read or listen to his acceptance speech.
Did the previous mayor, Kay Barnes, ever quote anyone other than a sports figure during her tenue? Don't know, but moi is fairly certain that Mayor Barnes didn't quote Kennedy, Disraeli, and John Winthrop in the same speech. Here's to change.

all homeland is local


workers of the world unite