bush extends man crush to mccain

PRESIDENT BUSH on Vladamir Putin in 2006: I will answer the question. I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy.

President Bush speaking with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, Feb. 8, 2008 about John McCain.

WALLACE: So what do you say to those conservatives, those Republicans who have questions about candidates?

BUSH: I say if you're seeking — looking for perfection, you'll never find that person. I certainly wasn't a perfect candidate for a lot of folks. You're not going to find perfection.

But what you ought to look at is look at the person's heart, look at the principles. And determine what's the best course for the nation and the best course for the nation is to have our candidate become president of the United States.
Nancy Reagan had her astrologer, President Bush has a ouji board, and the Republicans will have McGruff the Crime Dog.

and i say no no no no


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