bush attempts to regain torture momentum
For your consideration we offer a portion of El Presidento Bush’s message To the House of Representatives:
I am returning herewith without my approval H.R. 2082, the “Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008.”
*The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) must be allowed to maintain a separate and classified interrogation program.
*While details of the current C.I.A. program are classified, the attorney general has reviewed it and determined that it is lawful under existing domestic and international law, including Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.
*I remain committed to an intelligence-gathering program that complies with our legal obligations and our basic values as a people. The United States opposes torture, and I remain committed to following international and domestic law regarding the humane treatment of people in its custody, including the “Detainee Treatment Act of 2005.”
*In accordance with a clear purpose of the “Military Commissions Act of 2006,” my veto is intended to allow the continuation of a separate and classified C.I.A. interrogation program that the Department of Justice has determined is lawful and that operates according to rules distinct from the more general rules applicable to the Department of Defense.
*I cannot sign into law a bill that would prevent me, and future presidents, from authorizing the C.I.A. to conduct a separate, lawful intelligence program, and from taking all lawful actions necessary to protect Americans from attack.
Other provisions of the bill purport to require the executive branch to submit information to the Congress that may be constitutionally protected from disclosure, including information the disclosure of which could impair foreign relations, the national security, the deliberative processes of the executive, or the performance of the executive’s constitutional duties.
George W. Bush
The White House,
March 8, 2008.
Bush's objections stem from this Administration's need that the Executive Branch of the government be allowed to operate in secret and wholly separate from any meaningful oversight by other branches of the government. Trust us, we will do the right thing.
Better not, given the history of this Adminstration. If they won't bungle it, they'll just make it up, or lie about it.
More importantly though, is now, can the Democrats offer another solution to this veto? Can they garner the votes to over-ride it? In short, and most importantly, CAN THE DEMOCRATS LEAD?
Let's hope so.