President Bush

whose fool now? by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

El Presidento Bush, who's pretty much set the bar on being foolish, is looking even more so these days. One wonders, when he gazed deeply into Vladamir's eyes and liked what he saw, did he see the soul of meglomaniac? One like himself? did he see the idea of world domination? of controlling a large portion of access to oil via the Caspian?

If the President had any political capital that wasn't mired in a Iraqi sand storm, he might have been able to come to the support of the Georgians. But he doesn't. And Russia, bolstered by the increased price of oil, the world's 3rd largest army, and the frenzied minds of people-who-act-like-dictators, is free to act like the Soviets of old while El Presidento Bush stands idly by and waves an Olympic flag.

a foot soldier for senility by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

McGruff the Crime Dog has been airing new attack ads, containing many untruths but what caught our attention was the notion that having a popular U.S. President isn't a good idea. I suppose McGruff prefers the idiot we currently have in office, whom almost no one in the world likes, or trusts. Perhaps McGruff, if he's elected President, plans to carry on the recent Republican tradition of senile, not-so-bright warmongering idiocy. He does like to refer to himself as a one-time foot soldier in the Reagan revolution. Boorah! Let's get stupid and start another war.

bush fails obama's final exam by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Recently a number of Obama's class notes from his days teaching Harvard Law School have been released. No doubt some members of the right, who haven't read a book in a decade, will try to find some information in the course syllabus and Obama's notes to his students to try and convince others that Barack is a gay communist Muslim. These would be the same right-wingers who lack the intellectual capacity to understand why it's not possible to be gay and communist and a Muslim, but really, I'm giving the Limbaughites way too much credit.

But imagine, just for a moment if you will, if we had a President - right now! right this very moment!- in the Oval Office who had actually attended classes during college, much less had the intellectual prowess to teach a subject? Imagine that.

Perhaps the train wreck could have been avoided? We still have time to impeach the idiot.

bush still doesn't get it by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

"We're not in a recession, we're in a slowdown." El Presidento Bush told the crowd gathered on Tuesday in New Orleans.

Bush said this as housing prices continued to tumble to near record lows. As employment continues to rise, as gas prices rise, as food prices rise, and as unemployment slowly inks upward. Bush should tell his economic slowdown joke to the Parks Department superivisor that I meet last week who was having to cut 17 positions from one city department to meet tightening budget demands. That's 17 people who will be looking for work to support their family, to feed and clothe them.

But this just in from a source you can trust - the PENTAGON! - the wars in Iraqi and Afghanistan are expected to now cost slightly less than 170 billion dollars. Yes, b, as in billion. This year alone.

And John McGruff the Crime Dog, no longer the presumptive Republican candidate, but the real one, he learned everything he knows about the economy from George W. Bush. Yee haw.

bush to stay the course by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

El Presidento Bush announced yesterday that we need to stay the course, remain ever vigilant, let things work themselves out with regards to the Iraqi situation. He could had said that many of the stated goals of the Surge, and his mission in Iraq, had failed, chiefly the most important one, to stabilize the region and bring peace and democracy into play but he didn't. Because, as his friend McGruff the Crime Dog likes to say, "not on my watch".

Blind arrogance will always be an impediment to any meaningful solution.

bush administration tortures us reputation by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

The Justice Department released a 2003 memo yesterday that detailed how the Bush administration viewed torture. Essentially, the administration felt as though they could do exactly what they wanted, that during a time of war (as yet undeclared) they could treat enemy combatants in any way they deemed fit, regardless of domestic and international laws that may have applied and regardless of the U.S. Constitution. This is why they removed combatants to places outside the U.S. So they could torture them.

read more:
washington post: torture memo released

bush attempts to regain torture momentum by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Cowboys just weren't meant to be happy.

For your consideration we offer a portion of El Presidento Bush’s message To the House of Representatives:

I am returning herewith without my approval H.R. 2082, the “Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008.”

*The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) must be allowed to maintain a separate and classified interrogation program.

*While details of the current C.I.A. program are classified, the attorney general has reviewed it and determined that it is lawful under existing domestic and international law, including Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.

*I remain committed to an intelligence-gathering program that complies with our legal obligations and our basic values as a people. The United States opposes torture, and I remain committed to following international and domestic law regarding the humane treatment of people in its custody, including the “Detainee Treatment Act of 2005.”

*In accordance with a clear purpose of the “Military Commissions Act of 2006,” my veto is intended to allow the continuation of a separate and classified C.I.A. interrogation program that the Department of Justice has determined is lawful and that operates according to rules distinct from the more general rules applicable to the Department of Defense.

*I cannot sign into law a bill that would prevent me, and future presidents, from authorizing the C.I.A. to conduct a separate, lawful intelligence program, and from taking all lawful actions necessary to protect Americans from attack.

Other provisions of the bill purport to require the executive branch to submit information to the Congress that may be constitutionally protected from disclosure, including information the disclosure of which could impair foreign relations, the national security, the deliberative processes of the executive, or the performance of the executive’s constitutional duties.

George W. Bush

The White House,

March 8, 2008.

Bush's objections stem from this Administration's need that the Executive Branch of the government be allowed to operate in secret and wholly separate from any meaningful oversight by other branches of the government. Trust us, we will do the right thing.

Better not, given the history of this Adminstration. If they won't bungle it, they'll just make it up, or lie about it.

More importantly though, is now, can the Democrats offer another solution to this veto? Can they garner the votes to over-ride it? In short, and most importantly, CAN THE DEMOCRATS LEAD?

Let's hope so.

decided to be unhappy by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

The Decider isn't very happy these days. It appears that very few folks are listening to him. His approval ratings have sunk below 20 percent for the first time in his administration and the ratings aren't likely to rise much in the coming months, especially with the economy tanking and the dollar's slide deepening by the day. One could almost feel sorry for him it he weren't almost single-handedly responsible for the start of Armageddon. Or is that Dick "the Dick" Cheney? OK, perhaps I over speak. Things are that bad.

For one, the Decider is unhappy that Barack Obama would like to open up discussions with the new Fidel known as Raul Castro. The reason that Bush gives is because it would send a bad message. Now we've been trying to get Cuba to come around for 40 years and the whole embargo thing doesn't to appear to have worked very well. They had the same dictator for 40 years and now they have his brother. Perhaps, perhaps, we might try something else for a change,see if that works.

We did a little bit of research and discovered why Hillary Rodham Clinton likely doesn't think it's a good idea to talk to Raul. It has to do with the Libertad Act, which was signed into law by Hubby Bill, and since she's taking credit for those years, might not look good to go against it.

"On February 24, 1996, further worsening relations, the Cuban military shot down two U.S. registered civil aircraft in international airspace, killing three U.S. citizens and one U.S. resident. The unlawful and unwarranted attack on two unarmed U.S. civilian aircrafts resulted in the deaths of Armando Alejandre Jr., Carlos Alberto Costa, Mario M. de la Peña, and Pablo Morales. Immediately after this brutal act, and in response to this violation of international aviation law, Congress and former President Clinton passed the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act, also known as the Libertad Act. The legislation, among other provisions, codified the U.S. trade embargo into law and imposed additional sanctions on the Cuban regime. " Fact sheet on US Cuba relations, U.S. State Dept., May, 2001

The fact sheet also indicates that support for the Cuban people is the central theme of our current policy. Since the trade embargo doesn't seem to be working, perhaps we should open up trade and the borders with Cuba and go down there and talk to the people. They need our products a lot more than we need theirs. What better way to get the people of Cuba to view a different way of life than to go down there and demonstrate it to them first hand.

taking holiday of Presidents by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Today's is President's Day in the USA, which for most Americans, means counting the days (340) till the current adminstration takes up less deadly pastimes than doing its part to help foster WWIII. Maybe it's too soon to imagine, but what exactly do you suppose the W will do after he leaves office? Lacking eloquence, it's a bit hard to imagine that El Presidento's speaking engangements will command Clintoneque dollars. Perhaps his brush removal skills can be transferred to board rooms in need of lopping off a few thousand workers in favor of maintaining stock prices. Fishing is purported to be one his hobbies. Maybe we could stock a Texas border lake with some invasive species and let him cast about for hits till the sun goes down. Send your suggestions to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

derailed, Bush endorses Obama by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

President Bush, yes it's almost easy to forget he's still in office with all the campaign brouhaha going on, was in Kansas City yesterday. El Presidento was doing the one thing he's still seems capable of doing without causing a train to derail in Donner Pass, that of making greeting cards with kindergardeners. But he even has trouble with that.

I appreciate, Don [Donald Hall, Hallmark CEO], your hospitality. I am still trying to recover from the kindergarten experience. (Laughter.) I mean, you talk about sapping a person's energy. (Laughter.) But it was a fabulous experience.

There are some signs that President is beginning to understand the severity of our economic downturn

There are serious signs that the economy is weakening and that we got to do something about it. Today we got such a sign when after 52 consecutive months of job creation, we lost 17,000 jobs. The unemployment rate went down, but nevertheless, a serious matter is that for the first time in 52 months that we didn't create jobs. And so the question is what do we do about it?

The last time he foresaw problems, just before the 2004 election, he managed to buy enough votes with a $600 tax refund to keep himself in office. This time, the stakes are higher because the future of the Republican Party is in peril, he's upped the ante to $800 per person, either that, or $200 is his idea of a cost-of-living increase for the working poor.

We got some of our citizens purchased mortgages that they can't afford now. Hopefully the reason -- hopefully they didn't get deceived, and if they did, the government has a responsibility to take care of that. ...therefore we're trying to make sure we connect the borrower with somebody in the mortgage industry that will help them refinance. And that's why we started what's called the HOPE NOW Alliance.

What? HOPE NOW? The economy's tanking and all he's got is hope? Have all the bright minds in Washington left the White House to work on campaigns?

And wouldn't casting a vote now, at this stage of the game, for hope, be a vote for Barack Obama? Did the President just endorse Barack Obama for President? Maybe Bush is finally starting to get it.

your money, in an anthill? by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Ahh...for that hard-to-shop for person on your gift list. You could make something, always recommended, but for the person who has more things than they need, then something well-crafted may be under appreciated. We wouldn't want to feel under appreciated.

Warrior Ant Press offers a few options.

How about a liter of Mansinthe - Marilyn Mansions boutique version of absinthe. Drink a bottle of this and you'll likely want to pluck out your own eyebrows and paint them back on. You may even opt for a little pancake makeup before the nights over.

Everyone wants to be healthy. How about a bottle of Human Growth Hormone. And for those of you with drug-testing policies in force at your place of employment, remember, there's still no urine test for Human Growth Hormone!

Tickets to a celebrity trial. Next year we have OJ: I did Vegas My Way; Phil Spector: I've had time to reload; Lindsey Lohan: crash-test dummy;and R.Kelly:I like em young and on film.
The hardest tickets to obtain, seem to be those to trials of Bush Administration officials but we're working hard to see if we can get some.

insane clown posse by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

When will members of the Bush administration be held accountable for their criminal acts?

Today the New York Times published an article revealing that the C.I.A. destroyed tapes of agents using what they referred to as, extreme interrogation techniques, but many would likely view as torture. The interrogations took place in 2002, and the C.I.A. destroyed the tapes in 2005. On at least 2 occasions prior to their destruction, attorneys for the C.I.A. told federal prosecutors who requested any documents that might show evidence of such "interrogation" techniques that the C.I.A. had none. High ranking C.I.A. officials also told members of the 9/11 commission and members of the House Intelligence Committee that no such documents existed.

Now it appears that they did have such information in the form of videotapes and audiotapes and rather than turn over the requested evidence, it was destroyed. The evidence was also witheld from the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, who was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 9/11 attacks. We are not coming to the defense of Mr. Zacarias, but when the government can destroy evidence in trials, can withhold evidence in trials at its discretion, and can deny defendants access to legal counsel, then we have serious problems in this country.

This goes against our entire system of law. Lying to federal prosecutors! Withholding of evidence when specifically requested from Congressional oversight committees. There has to be a modicum of trust between the people and the government or the government will cease to function. The people will, and should, demand this. This was Nixon's downfall. Lying to American public and destroying evidence. Americans won't stand for this bullshit much longer.

There should be immediate calls for a special counsel to investigate the destruction of criminal evidence, and if anyone, anyone is found to be involved in such actions they should be charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice. It's time to put more people with ties to this morally bankrupt administration of liars, cheats, and thugs behind bars. This includes Porter Goss, who was head of the C.I.A. at the time and who had to have known this was being done. He would have had to ok such an action. It's time for the Bush Administration to retreat to a dungeon of its own making.

dungeons and dragons

bush says world to end soon by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Today, El Presidento Bush, announced that the world will end on January 20th, 2009. It was the third such announcement from the bully pulpit, and despite criticism from others that it might not actually happen, Bush, claiming “a great intel discovery” led him to this conclusion, insisted that no this time, it really, really, really will happen.

bush administration to bake chocolate chip cookies for christmas travelers by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

And who doesn't like a warm cookie? Citing budgetary constraints, and possible allergic reactions by a subset of the population, administration officials nixed plans to also serve warm milk with the cookies.

Turns out that El Presidento Bush, who so thoughtfully allowed his humble servants, use of 2 (that's right 2) additional routes through restricted (well it's kinda restricted, before 8 pm anyway) airspace was pulling the wool over our eyes. Or was the wool being pulled over his eyes, and he too myopic to see through it?

The issue with flight delays has never been about air space, but about ground space, both inside the terminals and on the runways. This was another meaningless sacrifice by the Bush Administration on the alter of reality. This is why Americans who flew last weekend, encountered the worst airline delays in history.

world's greatest powerpoint presentation by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Al Gore finally got to prove to El Presidento Bush that although he's no longer an official guest of the White House, he's a lot smarter because of it. Bush, like the school yard bully who's finally received his comeuppance seemed wooden during the official press greeting between the former sparring partners. When asked if the President felt threatened by Gore's intellect, White Press Secretary Perino said, “This president does not harbor any resentments. He never has.”

bush officials abandon sinking ship by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Former White House press secretary Scott McCellan has become the latest Bush administration official to abandon the sinking administration. McCellan, who's publishing a book about what's it's like to tell bald-faced lies on national television, stated that he was just repeating the lies told to him by Bush, Cheney, and Rove.

The following day, his apologist editor was web-spinning like Spiderman to downplay the incident. Once written, words are hard to recall, and a little controversy always help to sell the product. Even if Rove and Cheney duped the boy, we have another line of evidence that El Presidento is misinformed on the issues and incompetent as a leader. Somehow Republicans view this as a stand-in for exoneration whereas the rest of America continues to view the last 7 years as an embarrassment and frequently find themselves quoting the title of McCellan's book, "What Happened?"

Breaking news: Harbormasters in the vicinity of the sinking ship have reported that thousands of rats are now swimming ashore.

president pardons convicted felons by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

While millions of Americans packed their stuffing into clear quart bags and prepared to be humiliated by the Dept. of Homeland lackeys, El Presidento was quietly pardoning two convicted felons. Bush issued the pardons yesterday at the White House and ordered the airspace between Reagan National and Miami-Dade Airports cleared so that the felons, whom Bush referred to as Liberty and Freedom, could spend time with their family members, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Daffy, and Porky near Orlando.

more @:
m.o.i.: cheney pardons white house turkey
view presidential pardons