mcgruff offers grits and growls to the working class

John McGruff the Crime Dog offered more of the same in a speech on his economic platform delivered at Carnegie Mellon University on Tuesday. More of the same Republican rhetoric offered for the last 7 years. Cut taxes, increase military spending, and ignore the fact that Republicans generally spend more money than the Democrats while in office, yet somehow manage to always claim they are fiscally responsible.

The only thing you can count on with a Republican administration is that when they cry fiscal responsibility, what they are really saying is 'line the pockets of the wealthy with gold'.

McCain's speech reminds me of what he said before he became the presumptive Republican nominee. "I don't know much about the economy."

Amen to that brother. Nothing could ring more true in Philadelphia nor be as cracked as the Liberty Bell. Here's just an example.
For years, Congress has been buying time, and leaving the great challenge of entitlement reform for others to deal with. And now the two contenders in the other party have even proposed enormous new federal commitments before the old commitments have been kept -- trusting that others, somewhere down the road, will handle the financing and make all the numbers come out right.

But there will come a day when the road dead-ends, and the old excuses seem even more hollow. And it won't be the politicians who bear the consequences. It will be American workers and their children who are left with worthless promises and trillion-dollar debts. We cannot let that happen. And you have my pledge: as president I will work with every member of Congress -- Republican, Democrat, and Independent -- who shares my commitment to reforming and protecting Medicare and Social Security.
John McCain apparently forgets that the Republicans controlled the White House and both arms of Congress for 6 years and did nothing about reforming Medicare and Social Security. John McCain also conveniently neglects to mention our trillion dollar war in Iraq and who, besides the taxpayers, will pay the bill for this fiasco?

mccain drawn into food fight


tax day offers valuable prizes