warrior ant press guide to summer fun

Some simple, inexpensive tips from Warrior Ant Press for enjoying summer.

*Make a cake with a big S on it.

*Eat a peach. Husk sweet corn. Slice tomatoes.

*Strip naked and go swimming in a lake or river.

*Ditch work for a day game.

*Road trip! Music festival! Movies! Mojitos!

*Go an entire week without wearing shoes; if you absolutely must wear them, make certain they are sandals.

*Rent a dunk tank for the backyard b-b-que.

*Flirt with an out-of-towner on vacation.

*Take a nap underneath a shade tree (preferably with the out-of-towner!).

*Have a garage sale. Immediately blow all the proceeds on something you can't afford.

Say the words, "make mine a double" at least once.

any last requests?


hot enough for ya?