Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

cheney, mcgruff, bauer to lead st. pat's parade in green zone

Wow what a lineup! And almost as hip as the Rachel Ray showcase at SXSW, leaders of the group, American Death Metal, will headline the St. Pat's Day Parade in the Green Zone.

In a surprise visit, Dick "the Dick" Cheney, McGruff the Crime Dog, and Jack Bauer have all landed in Iraq to assess the situation and trade war stories, autographs, and riff on endless war. Beer chugging contests, spontaneous back-slapping, and green puke expected later.

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Rachel Ray @ SXSW

Jack Bauer sweet talks Pam Fessler

McGruff rocks the Green Zone

Petraeus testifies about The Surge

Jack Bauer saves the Democratic Primary
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