art. science. civic engagment.
Hidden River
Other Projects
100 drawings in 2024
100 more drawings 2023
100 drawings 2022
P@ndemic P@intings
color field buoys
tiny houses
which side are you on now?
broom wagon
cut your hair in the socialist style
we are here to plant a tree
work & progress
more or le$$
bright before me
Troost Neigborhood Artist Residency
Unsoliticed Proposals
alt-landscapes of the middle rio grande
eight years of tributaries
selected science publications
short films
Father-Daughter Confessional
warrior ant press meta-sermon
Hidden River
Other Projects
100 drawings in 2024
100 more drawings 2023
100 drawings 2022
P@ndemic P@intings
color field buoys
tiny houses
which side are you on now?
broom wagon
cut your hair in the socialist style
we are here to plant a tree
work & progress
more or le$$
bright before me
Troost Neigborhood Artist Residency
Unsoliticed Proposals
alt-landscapes of the middle rio grande
eight years of tributaries
selected science publications
short films
Father-Daughter Confessional
warrior ant press meta-sermon
Unsolicited Proposals